SPACE QUEST III - The Solution - By Bill Burton Revised for maximum scoring, May 20, 1989. Notes: Where appropriate, the commands that you should type will be shown in capitals. Also, from time to time I will mention the need to save a game in progress before proceeding. Occasionally I will point out some of the ways your character, Roger Wilco, can be killed. Some of these are worth exploring. After all, part of what you paid for is getting bumped off in style. In almost every case, there are a number of like intentioned commands which will work equally well in a given situation. In this walkthrough, I have generally gone for the tersest commands I know to be valid, simply because I hate typing. In most cases I will skip the step where you LOOK at something before you GET/TAKE or USE it. If you want to play the game to its fullest, you may feel free to look first and take or use later. Finally, the game concludes with an arcade shoot'em up sequence which is much easier to win if you have a joystick or mouse available as a control input. If you have either of these, I recommend that you install the game accordingly. Keep in mind that the keyboard is the preferred input until this final sequence. **************** This adventure begins as the space pod in which you escaped Sludge Vohaul (Space Quest II) docks inside a large salvage freighter. You walk out of the escape pod in a daze and the pod's door slams shut behind you. You're on your own now, Roger. Look at the smallish, round, striped object on the floor - you do this by walking up to it and typing: EXAMINE OBJECT. It's a warp motivator. That's space-speak for something you will need later. Exit toward the bottom of the screen then proceed right past the saucerlike craft. Continue right and you will see a conveyor assembly that is lifting buckets of space slop upwards to points unseen. Stand in the conveyor's path and you will be lifted by the next bucket that comes along. When you reach the top of the conveyor, the bucket turns over and you will be dumped onto a moving belt. You must act very quickly! STAND then JUMP. Just before you get dumped into the metal shredder, you will escape to a rail that is suspended over the belt. The rail should be navigated using the left or right arrow keys only! If you try to move using a mouse or a joystick, the imprecision of your movement command will probably cause Roger to fall and die. If you try to command any motion other than left or right, adios Roger! Enough said! Walk left on the rail until you pass through an arch. You will be in a control room where a droid is monitoring some gauges. Don't linger too long here or the droid will notice you. If he does, you die. There is a cart, actually a grabber, suspended from the rail. When you are in a position to climb down into this cart, ENTER GRABBER. The grabber is operated with the left (backward) and right (forward) arrow keys. Use the backward key until the grabber has exited through the rearmost exit on the screen. Continue until the grabber is near the right of the next screen and PRESS CLAW. If you have done this in the correct location, the claw will descend from the grabber and it will pick up the warp motivator. If you miss, it will be easy to discern the correction. Continue backwards until you have rounded the bend at the right end of the salvage complex. Just after you are again headed to your left, stop the grabber and PRESS CLAW again. If you guessed the right spot, the claw will deposit the warp motivator in the rear compartment of an abandoned space ship. You may be wondering how you knew that there was an abandoned spaceship in this area. Well, if you had wandered about on foot at the beginning, you would eventually have discovered the ship, but this walkthrough skips the superfluous. Back the grabber up past the conveyor belt and through the exit that leads to the control room. There are three connected platforms in the foreground right near where the grabber was parked when you found it. Stop the grabber by the center platform and EXIT GRABBER. Remember, if you dally, the droid will blow you away. Walk toward the bottom of the screen and you will fall down a chute. You are now in some sort of garbage pit. When you have climbed out of the mound of trash that cushioned your fall, follow the overhead wire to your left. LOOK AROUND and EXAMINE HOLE. You have discovered the portable reactor that powers this part of the salvage complex. GET REACTOR and walk to the ladder at the right rear of the screen. CLIMB and be sure to note the exact point behind the bowtie fighter - yep you heard right, a bowtie fighter - where you emerge on the original level. You will be climbing down this same ladder shortly. Walk to the rear of the screen and you will be back where you started. Continue to the right and walk into the skeleton of the tubelike structure at the right. Continue to the right and stop near the left edge of the second screen. You are inside the remains of a tanker ship. Where you see wires hanging from the missing paneling, stop by the leftmost wire and TAKE WIRE. Do not let Roger reach the middle of this screen before getting the wire or you will have some extra (and boring) work on your hands. Assuming that you do have the wire, go right, and when you reach the middle of the screen, a giant rat will jump out of the ceiling panel and mug you. When you recover enough to check your possessions, you'll find that the rat has taken the reactor and wire. Now you'll have to figure out what the rat did with them. If you were paying attention when you landed in the trash heap, you undoubtedly noticed the rats looking down at you. Maybe that's where they bring their trophies. Go back to the exact spot behind the bowtie fighter where you emerged when you climbed the ladder and CLIMB DOWN. You are now back in the garbage room. Go back to the spot on the left where you got the reactor and SEARCH HOLE. So that's where the rats hid your stuff. GET REACTOR and GET WIRE. Go back to the ladder and CLIMB. When you have done this, TAKE LADDER. I'll bet you didn't know you could fit a ladder in your pocket. Go back to the tanker and walk through it to your right. This time the rats will leave you alone. You will find yourself by the head of a giant robot whose right eye is missing. Be very careful not to fall off the bottom of the screen! Walk to the area near the missing eye, then CLIMB. Aha, you have found the spacecraft in which you earlier deposited the warp motivator. Walk to the middle of the spacecraft on the side nearest the bottom of the screen and USE LADDER. If you have picked the right spot, the ladder will move from your pocket to an upright position beside the ship. Then CLIMB. You will be warned that the top of the spacecraft affords treacherous footing. Do not take this warning lightly. Walk next to the round hatch on the top of the ship and ENTER HATCH. You are now inside the ship. There is a computer screen on your right which is used to diagnose the ship's systems. You could try this now. but there wouldn't be much point since you still have the power source in your pocket. I'll bet the reactor would fit in that open panel at the lower left. There are a number of eloquent ways to proceed here, but the simplest is to USE REACTOR followed by USE WIRE. Then, USE COMPUTER to diagnose the on board systems. Way to go, Roger, you have repaired the ship. Those two empty seats on the left look interesting, but you don't need to pay them any heed - yet. Now you're ready to blow this joint, so ENTER COCKPIT. If you check out the panel, you'll discover that all the ship's controls are accessed via a computer screen, so USE SCREEN. The screen has several numbered options that are accessed by the corresponding number keys. Fire up the ENGINES, engage the RADAR and TAKE OFF. After a few meters of flight, you will bump into the inside wall of the salvage ship. You need an exit hole, so you'd better blast one now. Use the computer to engage the WEAPONS SYSTEM. Choose SHIELDS (either front or rear) and press the space bar to FIRE. You are now in outer space. USE SCREEN again and select NAVIGATION SYSTEM. Use the 1 key to scan until the planet Phleebut is selected then use the 2 key to compute the course. You will need to use the computer again to select LIGHT SPEED for efficient travel. Oh, oh, that Terminator is coming to get you and he's one mean dude. You'd better be careful. When the computer alerts you that its time to land, LAND. Now's as good a time as any to SEARCH SEAT. When you do, you will discover seven buckazoids and you will get ten points. When your ship plops down on Phleebut, EXIT COCKPIT and PRESS BUTTON to exit the ship. Do not walk toward the bottom of the screen unless you have just saved the game. If you venture out to the left, don't walk under the overhang where the pods live. You want to get to the World of Wonders tourist attraction which is two screens to the rear and two screens to the right of the spot where you landed. Meanwhile, the Terminator has landed elsewhere on the planet. Look closely to see if you can figure out what part of his equipment makes him invisible. It would be wise to save the game at this point. As you proceed from the landing site to the World of Wonders, you should walk near the edge of the screen. If the deadly scorpazoid should appear, you may be able to escape to an adjacent screen. Note the thunderstorm raging in the background. If you go too far toward the rear (past World of Wonders) lightning will zap you. Depending on the route you select, you may see a menacing looking giant beast in the background. Don't worry, it is only Mog, the mechanical monster, and the World of Wonders is a souvenir shop situated between his feet. Outside the entrance to World of Wonders look inside the glass case, but don't open it! Enter the store and SHOW GEM to Fester. Accept the third offer he makes. Then BUY HAT, BUY ORAT and BUY UNDERWEAR. READ POSTCARD - and repeat - until you have read them all. Pay particular attention to the one that describes how travelers adapt to the volcanic climate of Ortega. EXIT STORE and the Terminator will grab you. After the Terminator has threatened you, he will give you a ten second head start - he will suggest that you use this head start to try to return to your ship. Don't bother, you'll never make it. Instead, exit to the left and enter the door in Mog's foot. Get in the elevator and PRESS UP. exit the elevator and climb the stairs. Position yourself right next to either of the hanging pulleys. This is a primo time to save the game. The Terminator will come at you and when he is nearby, SWING PULLEY. If you did this right, the Terminator will be digested by the spinning gears. Climb down the stairs, walk over toward the Terminator's remains and GET BELT. You now have the means of becoming invisible. You will be using the belt later in the game and you must WEAR BELT before that becomes a viable move. Enter the elevator and ride down with Fester. Return directly to your ship and remember to watch out for the scorpazoid. Okay that was the easy way to dispatch the Terminator. There is another way which is much harder, but will yield the maximum score. When the Terminator has given you the ten second warning save the game. Proceed to the right on screen and down two screens. This should lead you to the pod cave. Your objective is to make the Terminator walk under the pods. If he does, he's history. This will require some trial and error and probably quite a few restores. The trick is to look at the footprints. You can sometimes escape by going to an adjacent screen and then returning. If you manage to get under the right side of the overhang where the pods live, you may have to entice the Terminator by going one screen to the right and then racing back. In a nutshell, don't expect to get this right the first time. When the pods nail the Terminator, go to the left side of the remains and USE STICK (the one with the Orat figure). This will retrieve the belt. Getting the ship airborne is essentially a repeat performance of what you did earlier, except that this time you won't need to explicitly turn on the radar - it remains active from the last flight. When you select the NAVIGATION SYSTEM, search for Monolith Burger and set your course for that quadrant. Your ship will dock at Monolith Burger and you will enter without your having to type anything. Go to the left one screen and stand by the counter. When the clerk talks to you, ORDER FOOD. Although all you really need to order is the Fun Meal, it wouldn't hurt to order one of everything. When you are done ordering, PAY CLERK, then walk over to one of the empty tables and EAT. When you have finished, you will find a decoder ring in the empty food bag. If you want to die in style, enter the airlock on the left twice. Make sure your game is saved first. Go up to the video game and PLAY GAME. When you have digested the instructions, INSERT COIN and play. You can get quite crazy trying to master this sucker. Your score will increase each time you can get Astro Chicken to land on the pad (up to a point), but the real trick is to keep playing until the coded message appears. When it does, USE RING (to decode it). There is no way the program can tell if you have actually bothered to do this, so, if you're feeling lazy, you can skip this step. The gist of the message is that the Two Guys From Andromeda are being held captive in the headquarters of the Scumsoft Corporation on Pestulon, a moon of the planet Ortega, and that it will be quite difficult to rescue them because Pestulon is guarded by a force field generator, which makes it impossible to land there. Those of you who are concerned with getting the maximum possible score should check your progress at this point in the game. If you have 388 points, you are doing as well as possible and will score the max if you follow the rest of this walkthrough. You have now done all you can at Monolith Burger, so walk back into your ship. If you happened to order the Big Belcher Combo, you will have to make a detour to lose your lunch right next to where people are ordering their meals. Yuk! I couldn't help but wonder if the guys who designed Monolith Burger had a real junk food chain in mind, and if so, which one. Gee, that big 'M' looked almost like the Golden Arches. Fire up the ship - by now hopefully a familiar procedure - and head to the planet Ortega. Before you PRESS BUTTON (to exit the ship), be sure that you have remembered to WEAR UNDERWEAR. After exiting the ship, go left and then down towards the wobbly looking little land isthmus near the lower left of the screen. I'll bet that baby can't be walked over twice. In fact, if you aren't careful, it can't even be walked over once, so save the game. Continue towards the bottom of the screen and you will see two guys working with some seismic devices. Hide behind the rock until they leave. If they see you, you're Jello (literally). Go up to the telescope and USE TELESCOPE. Congrats, Roger, you have discovered the force field generator. Go to the anemometer - it's the wind measuring device on a pole - and GET POLE. Then go to the small crate and GET DETONATOR. Walk carefully to your right, remaining aware that there are places where a misstep will cause you to plunge to your death. You will be returning via the same route and this mistake is especially easy to make on the way back. Continue going right until you get to a path that goes up. Follow that path until you reach the bottom of the force field generator. When you get far enough back, toward the right edge of the rock in the center of the screen, you will automatically get to the stairs. Before you climb down the stairs, look for the long skinny ladder on the right side of the rear wall. That is where you are headed. The path to the ladder is fairly obvious once you have descended the stairs. When you get to the ladder, CLIMB. You are now at the rim of the force field generator. Save the game here and walk very carefully to the edge. When you are in a good position, DROP DETONATOR. Kaboom! You have disabled the generator and you may now travel to Pestulon. But first, you must return to your ship. Walk carefully to the ladder and CLIMB down. Retrace your route carefully. What's this? the wobbly isthmus has collapsed and you appear to be stranded. Don't worry, you took that pole earlier. So, stand near where the isthmus was, and VAULT CHASM. Then walk back to your ship and get in. Depending on the angle at which you approach the ship's ramp, this may not be that easy to do. If you get stuck on the ramp, just walk away and try again. This might be a bug in the version I played, or it might be one of Sierra's little pseudo-problems. I'm not sure. Once in the ship, follow the familiar steps to set your course for Pestulon. You are now on Pestulon. EXIT COCKPIT and if you haven't already done so, WEAR BELT, then PUSH BUTTON to exit the ship. Go one screen in any direction and you will be hiding in foliage near the heavily guarded entrance to Scumsoft's headquarters. When you see some guards leaving (to search for you), USE BELT and ENTER SCUMSOFT. You remain invisible for just long enough to make a quick and deliberate entrance. If you delay or walk erratically, the guards will notice you and you will be shot. Go down the stairs and look for a button by the left side of the door. Position yourself nearby and PRESS BUTTON. Good show, Roger, you have penetrated Scumsoft. You find yourself in a circular hallway that is navigated with the up and down arrow keys. When you get to a door that you want to enter, you do so with the left or right arrow keys. One of the two doors on your right has controlled access. We'll worry about that door later. Walk toward the bottom of the screen with the down arrow key until you come to a door at the inside of the hallway (screen left). Enter that door. If you didn't screw up it will be the familiar janitor's closet. If you did screw up it will be the door you first entered and you will have to try again. SEARCH CLOSET and WEAR COVERALLS. Check your inventory and see if you have a trash vaporizer. If not, SEARCH CLOSET again and then SEARCH COVERALLS. Eventually you will have this all important vaporizer. Exit the closet and continue around the hall, looking for a door on the outside of the hallway (screen right). If the door you find has a card reader near the right door frame, you can't get in, so continue to the next door and enter it by pressing the right arrow key. You are now in Scumsoft's accounting office which looks like a maze because it is one. Save your game here! Now try to walk to the rear of the maze. Oops! Now how did they know you were a bogus janitor? You got caught because you walked by a trash basket without vaporizing the trash. The way to solve the maze is to head for each basket of trash, stand directly in front of it (this is important) and ZAP TRASH. By the way, there are a couple of wastebaskets that are less obvious than the others. If you walk by one inadvertently, you die. There are several ways the maze can lead you, but you'll know you're heading the right way if your general progress is toward the rear of the office complex. Eventually you will reach Elmo Pugg's office in back. Just as I thought that the burger joint was modeled on something out of real life, I couldn't help but think of the young and very successful boss of a major real-life software company when I first ran across Elmo Pugg. At any rate, enter Elmo's office, zap his trash and leave his office. Go out the hallway in back and LOOK. It appears the Scumsoft lackeys have discovered your ship. When you come back inside, you will notice Elmo's office is vacant. Go into his office and TAKE KEYCARD from his desk. It is that little white flyspeck on the top right of the desk. You know, before I even opened the box this game came in, I knew that sooner or later I'd find a keycard. As you exit the accounting office maze, your objective is the copying machine at the lower left of the complex. Just before you reach the machine, you will see a picture of Elmo on the wall. TAKE PICTURE and go to the machine where you COPY PICTURE. On your way back, REPLACE ORIGINAL (the picture). Head out to your right and one partition to the rear and you will be able get to the door where you first came in. You now have what you need to enter the controlled access door! Go around the circular hallway until you are abeam the door with the card reader. Stand by the door and USE KEYCARD. This will enable a verification by facial scan. Unfortunately, your face is not in Scumsoft's Approved Access data base. No problem! Immediately after the keycard has been read, you must USE PICTURE. When the scanner reads Elmo's picture, you're in! Well, Rog, you've found the Two Guys, but they're on the other side of a long drop and they're encased in Jello. When you PRESS BUTTON, a bridge will come out of the wall and you will be able to reach the Two Guys. Get real close to them and VAPORIZE JELLO. When you do, the score bar on the top of the screen will indicate that you have attained 737 out of a possible 738 points, a pretty decent showing. Alas, the euphoria is short lived. After a few moments, all sorts of viewing panels open up and you realize that virtually the entire Scumsoft staff has been watching your failed triumph with great amusement. Your score drops precipitously and you are led away. Now comes the first of two really hard parts. Elmo has decided to dispatch you personally in the Nuke'em Duke'em robot boxing game. As he tells you the (non)rules, you get the idea that this is something he's very, very good at. It's just the sort of thing at which someone as gifted and bratty as Elmo would excel! I highly recommend that you save the game in progress before the first punch has landed. Just for fun, try duking it out with Elmo. You're guaranteed to be slaughtered every single time! There's got to be another way. Once you discover that your offense is no match for Elmo's, it should occur to you that maybe defense is the answer. It is! The key to winning this game can be found in the energy reserve indicator bars at the top of the screen. Your winning strategy is to anticipate Elmo's punches and retreat from them so that he only connects with air. When this happens, his wasted energy from the missed punch will more than compensate for the energy you have wasted by retreating. Whenever you gain an energy advantage, save the game. When this advantage improves, save again. Having told you this, I must also tell you that evading his blows will not be easy, and that each little energy advantage is a hard won battle within a most difficult war. The keys to winning are backpedaling judiciously, never throwing a punch, blocking a punch only when there's no more room to backpedal and, most importantly, saving the game every single time the energy differential improves, no matter how slightly. With patience and practice, you will win, but it will probably be a bitch! When you finally manage to dispose of Elmo's punching robot, you and the Two Guys escape in your spaceship. This happens automatically. When you get sick of listening to the Two Guys bitch about the lack of food on board, USE SCREEN. You will find out that Light Speed and the Navigation System have been rendered non-functional. You will still be referencing the cockpit computer screen when you are informed that the Scumsoft Skull Fighters are attacking. You may remember that I said that the robot boxing match was the first of two difficult challenges that you still had to face. This is the second of those challenges, the one I mentioned at the outset which is best played with a mouse or joystick. While you still have time, select ATTACK SPEED and engage the WEAPONS SYSTEM. The first attack wave will be from the rear, so make sure that your rear shields are deployed. The next attack will be from the front and your shields must be repositioned before the attack gets underway. From this point on, the attack waves will alternate from one end of your ship to the other. The important thing for you to do is to have the shields in the correct position before any attack phase begins. Any errors here will doom you for certain. When I played the game, the front cannons were non-functional. It's not inconceivable that under different circumstances it would be the rear cannons which didn't work. Determining the answer to this would have required a full replay or two, and I just wasn't up to it. Suffice it to say that the cannons on one end of your ship will be out. It doesn't really matter which ones because you can complete the job with the ones that still work. As the skull fighters attack, the Weapons System will inform you about which cannons are still working. Save the game before you fire the first shot! When a Skull Fighter attacks the end of your ship where only the shields are working, all you can do is watch. When the other end of your ship is attacked, you can fire back. You destroy a Skull Fighter by positioning the targeting cross hairs over the ship and pressing the space bar to fire. You must splash the first five Skull Fighters you shoot at. If you miss even one (by letting it get out of range), your shields will expire and you will be destroyed. So, whenever you destroy a Skull Fighter, save the game immediately, and whenever you miss one, restore the game that you had saved previously. When you've waxed five in a row, that's the shooting match. The remaining enemy will turn tail and your ship will escape to - Nah, I won't tell you. Final note: There is an abacus like screen overlay called VaporCalc that can be invoked with the Control C keystroke combination (at least in the IBM version). Does anyone have any idea what VaporCalc is for? If so, tack an appendix on this walkthrough.